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Composite Sporting Goods Components: Setting New Standards in Sports

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The sporting goods industry relies on durable, high-performing products that are optimized in terms of design and weight. Major players in the sporting goods industry can differentiate themselves from competitors by enabling their athletes to achieve higher levels of performance while minimizing the risk of injury–which can be accomplished by higher-quality sports equipment.

One recent revolution in the sporting goods industry is Re:Build Oribi Composite’s innovations in thermoplastic composite parts manufacturing. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of thermoplastic composites and their applications in the sporting goods industry.

What are thermoplastic composite parts?
Thermoplastic composites combine polymers with reinforcing fibers of carbon, glass, or other materials, creating a durable and lightweight material. For years, thermoplastic composites were expensive and time-consuming to manufacture, meaning most sporting goods companies gravitated towards traditional metal materials. Due to recent automation and manufacturing innovations, thermoplastic composite parts can now be mass-produced at a cost competitive with traditional materials.
Advantages of thermoplastics include:

  1. High strength-to-weight ratio: Thermoplastic composite parts are lightweight but strong, making them ideal for sporting goods applications where reducing weight can improve performance. They maintain excellent structural integrity, even when experiencing frequent, rigorous use and wear and tear.
  2. Impact resistance: Thermoplastic composite parts are known for their durability and impact resistance, making them well-suited for contact sports like football, hockey, or lacrosse. Their impact resistance and durability also help promote player safety.
  3. Customization and design optimization: Thermoplastics parts are easier to mold and remold than traditional materials or thermoset composite parts, providing designers and manufacturers with unparalleled design versatility. Using thermoplastic composites, sporting goods manufacturers can create innovative, aerodynamic, and ergonomic sporting equipment tailored to the athlete’s specific needs.
  4. Environmental friendliness: Thermoplastics are recyclable and can be used for manufacturing with less energy than manufacturing with traditional metals.

Sporting goods applications
How can you use thermoplastic composite parts in sporting goods manufacturing? Their light weight, high durability, and optimized design make them ideal for a variety of equipment:

  • Protective gear and climbing helmets are crucial to protecting athletes’ safety. As a supplier of bump helmets to the military, Re:Build Oribi Composites has mastered the art of high-volume composite protective helmet manufacturing.
  • Thermoplastic hockey sticks and lacrosse sticks also radically outperform traditional sticks, due to their lightweight and rapidly formable material chemistries.
  • Tennis rackets are well-suited for thermoplastic composite parts, since they need to be lightweight, strong, and stiff. Thermoplastics allow for better ball control and reduced vibration.

Want to learn more?
The team at Re:Build Oribi Composites would love to help you transform your sporting goods business through the implementation of thermoplastic component parts. Contact us to get started!

Navigating the Transition: Switching to Thermoplastic Components and Parts

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For many industries, product innovation has been a driving force behind performance and revenue growth, and can make a huge difference to a company’s bottom line.

One significant area of innovation in recent years has been the rise of thermoplastic composite parts in industries like aerospace, sporting goods, transportation, and more. Composite parts have many advantages over traditional materials and the automation advancements pioneered by Re:Build Oribi Composites has made thermoplastic part manufacturing cost-competitive with traditional materials.

Considering making the switch? In this post, we’ll explore the advantages and factors to consider when switching to thermoplastic components and parts.

Traditional materials vs. thermoplastics

Companies make the leap to thermoplastic composite materials for a variety of reasons, including performance, versatility, and sustainability. While traditional materials like metals have dominated many industries for decades, thermoplastic composite parts have significant advantages.

Benefits of thermoplastic components include:

  1. Versatility and design freedom: Thermoplastics are incredibly versatile. Unlike traditional materials, which often require complex machining, thermoplastics can be molded and reshaped easily, which is especially important for industries like aerospace and automotive.
  2. Lightweight: Thermoplastics are significantly lighter than metals, and this weight reduction can lead to increased fuel efficiency and decreased energy consumption.
  3. Sustainability: Thermoplastics are recyclable, unlike many traditional materials.
  4. Durability: Thermoplastics exhibit excellent chemical resistance and resilience, often outperforming traditional materials in harsh environments. They are also resistant to chemical degradation, extending the lifespan of your products.
  5. Reduced lead times: Thanks to Re:Build Oribi Composite’s innovative and automated thermoplastic manufacturing process, thermoplastics are often quicker and easier to manufacture than traditional materials. These shorter lead times are invaluable for industries with rapidly changing market conditions.

How to switch to thermoplastic components

What factors do you need to consider when navigating the transition to thermoplastic parts, and what steps should you follow? Every industry is different, but generally speaking, you’ll want to follow this process to seamlessly transition to thermoplastic manufacturing.

First, select your material. Thermoplastic composite parts can be manufactured with many different materials, including carbon fiber, glass fiber, and more. It is critical to understand the specific needs and requirements of your product before selecting the materials. The right manufacturing partner will help you determine the best material and resin to achieve your specific goals.

Next, optimize your design. As discussed above, thermoplastics often allow for more intricate and complex product designs and structures, so making the transition opens up a new world of possibilities. Switching to thermoplastics allows companies to rethink their products and components in ways that were not possible with traditional materials.

Then, you’ll want to prototype your optimized design so you can test and evaluate the performance of the new parts and components. Comprehensive testing can include mechanical testing, durability testing, environmental testing, and more. Once you’ve tested, you can make any necessary adjustments to your product design or manufacturing process.

Ready to get started?

The Re:Build Oribi Composites team is here to help! Contact us for more information about how thermoplastics can transform your business, and how to successfully transition your component sourcing processes.

Sourcing Thermoplastic Composite Parts: Seven Keys to Success

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You may have heard about the myriad benefits of thermoplastic composite parts, as Re:Build Oribi Composites’s innovative manufacturing process has enabled companies in a wide variety of industries to transition away from traditional materials.

Compared to traditional metals such as metalics and plastics, thermoplastic composites are stronger, lighter, and more versatile, making them ideal for applications like aerospace, automotive, protective equipment, and more. In this blog post, our experts will identify 8 keys to successfully sourcing thermoplastic composite parts to transform your business.

#1: Specify your product requirements

Every industry and every product is different, so the first step to success is clearly defining your product requirements. What benefits do you need to achieve with your component parts? Does strength matter most? Weight? Corrosion resistance? Consider factors like the environmental conditions your part will operate in, its load-bearing capabilities, and the desired lifespan of your product. By specifying these factors, you’ll be able to narrow down your material and supplier options.

#2: Partner with an experienced supplier

Manufacturers that work primarily with traditional materials may not be the best bet for innovative solutions. Instead, find a supplier with deep knowledge and experience with thermoplastic composite part manufacturing, who can help you optimize your product design. Strong engineering and quality control teams are a must!

#3: Choose your material

Thermoplastic composites can be made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, and more. Each material offers different unique advantages, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each material is crucial to making an informed decision. Your part supplier should be able to help you determine which materials will best meet your unique needs.

#4: Optimize your design

Thermoplastic composite parts allow for more intricate and complex product designs. So when making the transition, consider redesigning your product to increase its efficiency or lifespan. Partnering with a supplier like Re:Build Oribi Composites, with decades of experience in thermoplastic design, can help you navigate this process.

#5: Scalability is key

High-volume, cost-effective production of thermoplastic composite parts has only become possible in recent years, thanks to Re:Build Oribi Composites’s manufacturing innovation. Choose a supplier with the capacity to grow and scale with your production volume needs, to avoid bottlenecks and disruptions in the supply chain.

#6: Consider sustainability

Thermoplastics are more eco-friendly and easily recyclable than many traditional materials and thermoset composites. Use environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes to align your project with global sustainability goals.

#7: Build strong communication networks

No matter who you decide to partner with, clear communication is key for every sourcing project. Keep in touch with your supplier regularly to address concerns, track progress, and make adjustments as needed.

Ready to get started?

The team at Re:Build Oribi Composites would love to work with you to transform your manufacturing through thermoplastic composites. Contact us today!